Auto Rigger
An auto rigger with multiple options for film and games.
  • Interactive user interface including real-time joint counts and images for hand joint detail.
  • Joints constrained to locators for easy joint placement.
  • Options for IK/FK, stretchy IK, and forearm twist joint.
  • Blend shape facilitator (duplicates mesh for each blend, then automatically constrains blends to controls).
  • Skinning test that animates each joint for four frames for easy weight painting, then deletes keys when you are done.
  • Automatic eyelids!
Animation Tool
A tool created to facilitate common animation tasks.
  • "Set Time Range" specifies the portion of the timeline to perform actions on.
  • "Add/Sub Value" will add an explicit decimal value to any translate/rotate attributes for selected nodes.
  • "Offset Cycle" copies all key frames from the selected time range and pastes them before and after that time range, then offsetting the animation for easy secondary motion.
  • "Difference Get" will simply display decimal distance between two nodes.
  • "Transfer/Swap Animation" will transfer key frames from one set of nodes to another, or swap key frames between the two.
  • "Flip Animation" will mirror key frame data over the specified axes. This is useful when transferring animation across a character's center line.
  • "Attribute Transfer" and "AutoRunner" are currently not implemented.
Playblast Tool
A tool for quick playblasting from multiple angles for animation review.
  • Pick up to eight different angles to playblast from.
  • Viewport updates real-time as you adjust distance and vertical angle of cameras.
  • Choose background color for chroma keying.
  • Ability to batch playblast multiple files.
Language Coach DS
I wrote the auto-rigger so I could rig these five characters in minimal time. Included blend shapes driven by facial controls.
Tale of Despereaux (Xbox 360, PC, Wii, PS2)
Cinematic for Despereaux finding a needle in a spool of thread.
Tale of Despereaux (Xbox 360, PC, Wii, PS2)
Run cycle.
Tale of Despereaux (Xbox 360, PC, Wii, PS2)
Tip-toe cycle.
Tom and Jerry Tales DS
In-game cinematic
Storked Teaser
Featured at the University of Utah graduation ceremony 2005 for Fine Arts.
Captain Kill
2D line animation.
Battle Dice
Maze Runner
Perspective Studies
Pastel Chalk
Pen and Ink

I have been programming custom web applications at Red Pepper Software since December 2009. (ASP.NET MVC, C#, jQuery, CSS, SQL, LINQ, SSMS, Reporting Services)

Completed BS degree in Computer Science at the University of Utah in 2013.

Will be completing MS degree in Computer Science in the Spring of 2014.